Dream Interpretation

Dominated by the bear in the dream

Meaning of the fact that the wishes and desires to beat by the bear in the dream will throw this process without harm due to the fact that it is prepared against all kinds of possibleness, the words will be kept, eliminating the big troubles and sadness that the work will come to a bad situation, the bad things it did in the past years and regrets of the sins that they are doing, it will be one that is filled with richness and has a comfortable life.

It will also prevent the ways to beat by the bear in the dream, the errors made, and the worse situations that are deducted and met with very charitable and very beautiful events, it will begin to bring money in the way and very large quantities of work, tightening the life, and many things that need to be hidden, especially the secrets will be revealed, making some no breakthroughs to be happy to the people who love and value, and will be very happy, to make a mentor and comment to the business world.

Psychologically defeated by the bear in the dream

Psychologically will return to the no prayer of the aids to beat by the bear in the dream, to the place of no people in your nearby surroundings, to trust him immediately in all matters of his wife, to reflect the negativeities that the work will live in the family life, to be physically and spiritually very comfortable, to have a new household, the account in the house will not fit in the bazaar, and therefore, the material and no need to be harmed in the spiritual sense, and it will pass very bad days, it will indicate that the more world will pass,

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