Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of kidney bean bread

To dream of bread kidney beans means that you will be rivaled with a person of power and that you will resist the footwork of this person for a long time, that you will have a very difficult time in a job that you have entered with great effort, that you will be in great harmony with your family and loved ones from all kinds of weaknesses, that the person will have abundance and abundance, and that he will enter the world with the decision made after a very good union, It is a phrase that he will lose what he has, and therefore he will suffer a great loss of self-confidence and courage.

In addition, dreaming of bread kidney beans is interpreted as having great discussions with various people to reveal that he is innocent, so that he will argue with the people around him out of sadness, but because of some unpleasant events that come his way, he will be in a dilemma at the decision stage for a solution, he will save, he will have a very healthy body.

Psychologically, the interpretation of dreaming of kidney bean bread

Psychologically, seeing kidney beans in a dream is interpreted as a sign that bad luck and misfortune will be replaced by good fortune, all one's financial troubles will come to an end, he will spend as he wishes, he will see himself as very unlucky and unlucky, fortune will smile on his face, the workplace will be straightened out thanks to the financial support to be received and the patience to be shown, and he will be in financial trouble.


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