The fear and sadness in cooking chestnuts in the fire in the dream will leave the place of happiness, without experiencing big problems, the fate and the chance will smile on the face so that the work will increase, achieve the opportunity to take new jobs, your troubles will pass in a way that you did not expect at the moment, due to the mistakes made, the charity, the power of the work will come to the face and the proliferation of the earnings, and the beautiful jealures will be out.
In addition, cooking chestnuts in the dream will get rid of troubles and difficulties, some steps will take, the energy and efficiency will fall negatively reflected in the work life of this situation, although it does everything from the hand, but with the support of someone who knows the job, it is interpreted, whether it will get rid of problems, to find the dream owner at a close time, enter into very large work, and the forehead will go out with the flux.
Psychologically, in the dream, it will be a big harm in all the work in which he is going to cook chestnuts in the fire, he will gain value according to his dignity, to work with respect to the face of people, to prevent other people from cheating, when time to read mevlit to his soul, and he will be much more peaceful, thanks to his luck to going to yaver, he will continue in this way for a long time, and he will not know that the trade will be more professional by making anyone.