Dream Interpretation

Dream Of Covering Head Shawl

Covering one's head in a dream means that you will be relieved of work and will have the opportunity to devote some time to yourself, a great partnership will be established with loved ones, you will lose your health, you will become rich thanks to a game of chance, you will suffer great distress and pain, prayers will be in vain and there will be losses that will not be able to be met, you will receive great and painful news from a person whom you love and care about very much, It is called.

In addition, covering one's head in a dream means that he will do good things with them both commercially and voluntarily, that by being a fortunate person, he will make great profits in all the works he enters, but he will make great gains thanks to the breakthroughs he will make at the right time, he will be very happy with the people he loves, that calamitous and cursed events will happen to him, that these breakthroughs will save him from very troublesome situations and that he will enter a period in which he will undergo a great change, Interpreted.

Psychologically, the interpretation of covering the head in a dream

Psychologically, covering the head in a dream means that you will experience difficulties and troubles, you will suffer great losses, problems and arguments will come to an end, livelihood will be easier, your tomorrow will be profitable and happy, you will be put in charge of a lucrative business, then I work with my wife at the same workplace, but I bought involuntary synergy that I could not make sense of. Then I heard that my father had died, and it was a holiday, and I saw my uncle's sons in suits, indicating that he was going to gain reputation.


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