Dream Interpretation

Dream Of Covering Your Head With A Black Veil

Covering one's head with a black veil in a dream means that he will not take advantage of an opportunity that he will not get again in his life, that the narrowness he has experienced will come to an end, that his troubles and difficulties will increase day by day, that he will regret a decision made, that the injustice suffered due to a confusion in the work will be corrected by apologizing, and that he will receive joyful and good news, and that the damages he has suffered due to the bad events he has experienced will be eliminated, It is said that he will earn a lot of money thanks to the work done.

In addition, it is interpreted that seeing a black cloth on one's head in a dream means that it will be comfortable, that brand new and profitable opportunities will be seized, and that one's education life will be continued with the initiative of a person who will bring good, that he will reach auspicious doors, that he will experience a minor injury as a result of an accident, that he will stay away from people who bore and upset him, and that he will have great problems with his work.

Psychologically, the interpretation of covering your head with a black cloth in a dream

Psychologically, covering his head with a black cloth in a dream will also make his face fall to the ground, on the other hand, he will look for ways to gain power and power against them, he will achieve great success, he will be promoted to very good and beautiful positions with the permission of Allah, he will do everything in his power to solve their problems, he will fall into very difficult situations, but then he will get rid of these problems thanks to the people who will help him, He points out that he will lose a great reputation in trade, and that his wife, like himself, tries to follow Islamic rules.


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