Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of a dam overflowing

Dreaming of the overflow of the dam means that a very right decision will be taken in business, it will cause him to lose his reputation and be excluded, a well-deserved halal property will be seized, divorce, the sad and troubled period he has experienced will end, and then very good and profitable days will begin, the dreamer, who fills the material and spiritual void he is in with his work, will encounter very auspicious and joyful events, that it will hurt and upset people, it will be the term.

In addition, seeing the overflow of the dam in a dream is interpreted that he will get rid of his troubles and experience great relief and peace, that he will lose his existing dignity and suffer a lot of troubles, that he will have income and bread, and therefore he will be comfortable, that he will be pessimistic and feel very bad, that he will not spend capital on small businesses, and that unity and solidarity will be achieved in family life.

Psychologically, the interpretation of dreaming of the overflow of the dam

Psychologically, dreaming of the overflow of the dam would bring about his desires and wishes, his value in society would increase, and he would meet the people who would lead him from the good days of his close circle, my grandmother invited me to her house to make friends with her neighbor's daughter. But it was a 10-12 year old boy who came up to me. He always waited for me while I was getting ready and his face was just like mine, it is interpreted that he will do very good work and will always be in love with people as a very respected and successful person.


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