Seeing a ditch full of water in a dream indicates that business life will get better day by day, thus attracting a lot of attention, sailing towards very big problems almost in plain sight due to the weight of financial responsibilities and entering very difficult and dark paths regarding money, entering a good and profitable path, turning things around and becoming a very loved person among neighbors.
Also seeing a ditch full of water in a dream is interpreted in Islam as increasing sins, making peace with the people he has hurt because of some problems and getting rid of the discomfort he has experienced as soon as possible, encountering some big problems, struggling with difficulties, having the opportunity to do profitable business, thanks to the support that family members will give each other, business will turn into something better and bigger than before and making more profit.
Psychological It is interpreted that seeing a ditch full of water in a dream means that the person will experience great happiness with the people he loves, that the sorrows and arguments will last for a long time, that his fortunes will increase, that he will come out of all the jobs he enters with flying colors and that he will pass the point he has set as a target in a short time by working hard and being determined, that the troubles and calamities will come to an end, that he will not have any important problems that will require him to worry about the successes he has gained and that he will not have a debt that is too big to handle.