Seeing drunk coffee in a dream indicates that you will experience great difficulties and will not be able to get rid of debts and financial troubles even in the most comfortable period, you will take over your job, you will have a high position, the pains experienced in the past will be forgotten, you will gain legitimate and abundant sustenance, you will also be free of spiritual fears, you will be more careful about many issues and people who work will sweat for the things they want.
Also, seeing drunk coffee in a dream indicates that nothing will remain in your eyes and inside, unpleasantness will be experienced with some people soon, you will undertake very big jobs and come out of them with flying colors, you will be burdened with trouble, in some cases, the dreamer who will start legal processes and intimidate his enemies will be comfortable in this way, he will adopt a new lifestyle.
Psychologically seeing drunk coffee in a dream indicates that you will establish new friendships with much newer people and develop these friendships, It indicates that you will get luck, you will become a more positive person, your problems will be solved, you will be bigger and more successful in every job you enter, your debts will bother you, there will be major changes in the dreamer's life, the person will manage to cover his financial loss.