Dream Interpretation

Treated to eat almond lokum in the dream

In the dream, the almond lokum food will have to pay debt in the work he skips, meaning of the fact that a given word may not be held for some of the contradictions, some studies related to art will fall out of it, the unlucky will have to do new studies, regret throughout his life.

In addition, the almond lokum meal in the dream will get rid of herself in a close time from yoran and uzen situations and get no-do winnings, the gain will constantly increase, even the simplest events will become a big problem, since the long years it will have many things that he dreamed and did not do, although he will surely be healing, the future of very difficult days in the material respect.

Psychologically dreamed lokum dinner review

In the dream of psychologically, the almond lokum meal will pass through troubled and troubled periods, to be fertile of the gain, the lesson from the mistakes it did not repeat them, the obstacles in front will also disappear, chestly, and as desired, will live a life, but with the evaluation of the new opportunities that will then be taken through steps, the family life and work life will be seen very beautiful days, who want to remove itself from the beginning or try to drop the bad road, and the people who want to fall into the trap.


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