It is expressed that every day of your life will be better than the previous one and you will have a long life, the chances of the person will increase, joint trade with the family will be made in business life, the rate of making mistakes will decrease gradually thanks to the lessons to be taken on the way of life, pleasing events will occur in family life, your problems will end with the permission of God in the near future, and your permanent gain in life.
In addition, it is interpreted that he/she will not be able to use the opportunities he/she has in his/her dream as necessary, that he/she will bring him/her profit and happiness, that he/she will be bored and go through chaotic days, that he/she will be in a position that everyone will envy in business life, that he/she will lead a happy and comfortable life, that he/she will provide a great advantage in business life in the future and that he/she will come to very good places.
Psychologically, giving fish food in a dream is interpreted as a medicine for their pain, that the steps taken will bring harm, that they will disagree with the loved ones on some issues, that they will feel very good, that they will make themselves unhappy, that they will return halfway because there will be an argument with their spouse or friend on a trip to be taken, and that the person accused of any crime.