Finding and losing money in a dream indicates that it will be difficult to find time, thus, you will never have a problem related to work, difficulties will be solved, you will fail due to the emergence of problems and the insecurity caused by the betrayal you are exposed to, you will gain success after success, you will have to live with a small salary, you will overcome the problems that block your education life.
Finding and losing money in a dream also indicates that you will gain a lot of money financially, the opportunities you get will be wasted, you will start to reap the fruits of your determined behavior in a short time, you will be far ahead of everyone in both your business and private life, but the sadness will end soon, the bad days experienced in your family life will be left behind.
Psychologically, finding and losing money in a dream indicates that you will move from your current place to a new place, you will lose your energy It also indicates that he/she will become more and more united with them each passing day, that someone who is not on good terms with work and power will be brought to the right path, that he/she will be betrayed because of a beloved relative, that he/she will use his/her earnings in the right way, that he/she will attain great comfort and peace with the end of a tiring and exhausting period, that he/she will attract attention and will be talked about.