Seeing forgetting an appointment in a dream indicates that peace and happiness will always be in your life, your peace and joy will be restored, people in need will be helped with the increase in income, a deep breath will be taken thanks to a small amount of money entering the household, peace will come to the relationship, difficult times will end, it will continue on its way.
Also seeing forgetting an appointment in a dream indicates that one of the elders of the family will be lost, someone who looks down on his surroundings will have to cope with a serious illness and for this reason his family life will also be disrupted, he will see the reward of his efforts, he will get married to a loved one in the near future and have a child, some sad gossip will come out and the popularity and respect among people will end due to these gossip.
Psychologically seeing forgetting an appointment in a dream indicates very big troubles and problems It is interpreted that he will live, obstacles and setbacks will disappear, he will start working on a new project after the step to be taken, he will do every job he undertakes properly, the poor will be fed, news that will create great joy and happiness will be received, both his income and rank will increase to a level that will satisfy him and reward his labor.