Seeing yourself forgetting your school bag in a dream indicates that you will be a few steps ahead of other people and your competitors, you will earn a lot of money at a time you least expect it and life will smile to you, this will also reflect positively on your family life, you will be happy and comfortable financially and spiritually, you will not catch a serious disease, you will undertake very big jobs and come out of them with flying colors and all jobs will bring great success and very big money, your life will be completely turned upside down.
Also seeing yourself forgetting your school bag in a dream indicates that you will be very happy and peaceful financially and spiritually, you will be able to spend a long time with your beloved guests and a relative or a friend you miss will come to see you, the opportunities obtained will be used very well, not only your position but also your earnings will increase, your level of welfare will decrease, it is interpreted that you will live a lifetime if you proceed honestly on the right path.
Psychologically, seeing forgetting your school bag in your dream indicates that you will inspire yourself positively and thus you will achieve permanent sustenance and happiness, you will enter into very risky jobs that you trust, by showing a great example of courage and saying "Ya Allah", you will enter into troublesome and stressful environments, you will get out of much more difficult situations easily, you will earn money without any trouble and your earnings will increase, on the one hand, it is interpreted as a wedding.