Going to the sand in a dream indicates that every penny of the earning is legitimate and luck will come, you will help the people around you, your bills will be paid easily, there will be an argument with your parents, a health problem will arise and you will break up with the person you are with, things will go wrong because of bad news you will receive, you will continue your school that was suspended a long time ago.
In addition, going to the sand in a dream indicates that you will have roses on your face, the poverty you are experiencing will end, your luck will increase, you will carry out some works that will bring you to very good places, you will drag yourself into worse situations than ever and put your work into great troubles, your rank will rise.
Psychologically going to the sand in a dream indicates that the person will conflict with his good ideas and good behaviors and eventually be defeated by the devil inside him and drain, the opportunities available are very correct and It indicates that it will be used in a way that will bring profit, that the person will start his own business with the profit he earns, that a suitor will come to his home, that his material wealth will increase, that his life will become easier and more enjoyable, that he will develop and rise.