Dream Interpretation

Dream of hail raining on your head

Hail raining on your head in a dream means that you will have a child in a short time and will be appreciated by everyone, you will show yourself in the best way in some of the things you do, the financial opportunities will be used comfortably, you will have a good position financially, you will be ambitious in business life, you will lose your assets to others, your opportunities will increase and your life will become perfect.

In addition, hail raining on his head in a dream is interpreted to mean that every step he takes will bring him good, that he will be troubled for this, but that he will fight against himself to get rid of the situation, that help will be received, that he will be a judge professionally, that both parties will be very sad, and that he will make good decisions.

Psychologically, the interpretation of hail raining on your head in a dream

Psychologically, he believes that his prayers and dreams of raining hail on his head in a dream will be answered in the sight of God, that he will not deign to spend a single penny or a single bite that he does not deserve, that the prayers of parents will remove many obstacles, that very comfortable and peaceful periods in family life are nearby, that those in a period of his life will never be erased from his memory, that if he is single, he will marry his loved one, and that he will find a solution to a problem he has trouble with, that he will be relieved of his office, he indicates.


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