Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of having a gun pulled on me

To see a gun drawn on me in a dream means that a famine will occur in your household, you will hear what you expect, you will enter a period in which you will feel very good spiritually, things will go well and you will achieve many things you dream of in a short time in a short time and effortlessly, you will encounter innovations that will bring goodness and beauty to you, you will free yourself and your loved ones on some issues, you will take a step in a lucrative business.

It is also interpreted that seeing a gun drawn to me in a dream will be like the rewards in the hereafter, that you will make much bigger gains by entering other lines of business later, that you will break the traps set for you by a person with whom you had a big argument a long time ago, that you will feel tired and sick, that you will experience great happiness in your family life, that you will be strong in the following times.

Psychological interpretation of seeing a gun pulled on me in a dream

Psychologically, seeing that a gun was pulled on me in a dream is interpreted that very big and auspicious developments will occur and that it will prevent much worse events to be experienced in the future and prevent it from becoming much more difficult, its fortune will be very bright, a separation decision will be made after an argument between spouses in family life, it will cause great problems and troubles, its account in the bank will grow, its closed fortune will open, it will devote more time to its family.


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