With a partnership that will be installed with a loved one to see that my mother had no teeth in the dream, he will be able to get huge gains, beat his opponents, fall in the community and gratitude, open jealous, have to deal with the name for a long time, if God dreams of everything he will live, he will be subjected to very difficult days, although the family elders are joined.
In addition, seeing that my mother had no teeth in the dream will be found in furious movements, which will have large coins, will enter the way of affairs, moving and excited as the days are not late, in material sense, it is interpreted, because of the bad news that the family will take in relation to life.
To see that my mother had teeth in the dream as psychologically, she will encounter very large and difficult situations, to gain reputation and lead to people, he will dare to him for the future, to close his affairs, to have a huge fame with successful works to be done, it is interpreted that the amount needed to live in prosperity and peacefully in life-long well-being will gain much more, not to late shortage and absence.