Pass through flowing water in the dream

Dream Interpretation

For a reason to pass through the flowing water in the dream, it will experience very troubled times, non-reliable, unwilling to feel under a large stress, as it was prepared for a large job, will give great labors, and to add his life to the tooth, the value of respect is subject to a great leap in relation to education.

It is also interpreted that it will cope with great problems to see passing through flowing water in the dream, that their work will be deteriorated further from day to day, the problem will be experienced on the top, thanks to the steps taken, it will come to very good places, which will be resolved in a close time of the issues of uzen, having a new social life.

Psychologically comment on passing through flowing water in the dream

It will also be good from the former to pass through the flowing water in the dream, the money earned will be used for no-work, the elder one will see such a dream, and the money gained by pouring legimate and forehead teri, which will fall into bad circumstances, that one of the brothers will drown with health problems, the trouble that they live in their work will soon end, partnered with one of the friends or relatives, pointing, to the partnership.


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