Dream Interpretation

To see pour salt on the dream

It will prove their success to see the salt to stand up in the dream, to experience a great freshness in their work, to worsen their work, to refresh the trust that it is to, to make some breakthroughs that will admire everyone, from mistakes made, and after that the same errors will not be repeated, the event will be connected to sweet without excess growth and exacerbation.

In addition, seeing a limited gain to pour salt up in the dream will stand completely, especially when attempts to save big money on work, very large studies will appear and gain a lot of financially loaded earnings, the news that the chest will take place such as a bird will be taken, a damaged event will return to reality properly within a short period of time, it is interpreted, that the concern that arises for the sad events that arise from the life of the uzen people, and due to the sad events experienced.

Psychologically dreaming to pour salt on the dream

To see the salt that will rise in the dream as psychologically, to be mined from spiritual peace, it will tell all that they need to say, that the distorted work will be corrected again, the worst situations and problems experienced will be eliminated at the shortest time without causing any harm, so that they can work to people in a very comfortable way, and any problems may not age, the work will fall, the evil-friendly people who oppose, will not fall into traps.

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