in size, make great investments and have a job thanks to the earnings obtained, the spouses will divorce, a mistake made by a bad person will be tried to be compensated, they will fall into the middle of very good and beautiful events, the steps taken will create difficulties, and they will discover their hidden talents.
In addition, it is interpreted that he/she will increase his/her energy by relieving the stress of seeing him/her shrink in a dream, that he/she will have very difficult and troublesome times due to a destruction, that his/her luck and fortune will be clear for the future, that he/she will be away from his/her children and all his/her loved ones, that he/she will be instrumental in the realization of many dreams, that he/she will stay away from events and people that may upset him/her and put him/her in a bad situation.
Psychologically, shrinking in size in a dream indicates that it will offer new fortunes to him/her, that he/she will gain huge gains in a short time, that he/she will see good from his/her loved one, that he/she will enter a period of beauty and very sadness, that he/she will be a rival with a powerful person, and that he/she will be free from diseases and grief.