To see singing with friends in the dream, everything will go wrong, too large joys and happiness will be taken to the relevant retreat of the job, so that the troubles and problems will get the opportunity to overcome the greatest source, the family will develop husumet, the problem in the business life, the sadness and problems will end.
In addition, seeing singing with friends in the dream will never be empty of the pot in the house, it is interpreted, whether life will see in material sense comfort, as much as necessary for work opportunities, problems on the problem will be experienced, and to get a sad news about one of the family individuals, which will be entered in a financially bad job.
To say songs with friends in the dream psychologically dream, having a scientific point of view, to always live in an elite society, the dream owner will pass unstable and unhappy days, but this time any problems will not be experienced, to correct some situations that go back, to be appreciated in the vast audiences of the society, to be protected from sin processing, to be all away from evils.