Smoking in your dream

Dream Interpretation

Meaning of the fact that smoking in the dream will stay away from diseases and troubles, to taste all the beauties of the world, become a peaceful soul, to have big problems, the possibilities in the hands will be used very accurately and well, to chew the bans of God, to raise living standards and increase financial possibilities.

It is also interpreted that you will have all kinds of obstacles and difficulty to get cigarettes to your friend in the dream, that it will fall into a bad situation as no material matters, as well as too, waiver from their work, two ideas and will find happiness from their heartwork.

Psychological interpretation of smoking to your friend

Taking cigarettes to his friend in the dream as psychologically will live a huge collapse, but then going to a very good situation thanks to the beautiful developments that will live, the curious will go away from the eye people, to be a better believer, so that it will reveal how the situation in which it is resolved, in a near time it will bring much more earnings, and a job that everyone can benefit around, from very large projects to very small projects, all the newness and change will be defended, the day of the person, the motivation will arise.


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