Wanting to get land in the dream

Dream Interpretation

To see if you want to get land in the dream, it will be very comfortable, what you want to do will encounter a very big problem, it will love it more than itself, if you are in the place, the person will be roasted in their own oil, the number of enjoyable and enjoyable days will increase, the rights of those who help will be paid in short time, the accident and the bees will not be out.

It is also interpreted to make a big move on the job to want to get land in the dream, to live with the difference of the beauty of life, morality, peace, having a mureffeh life, ending bad days and live beautiful days.

Psychologically dreaming to ask for land

Psychologically to ask for the land in the dream, purifying itself from negatively affecting thoughts, to be in front of everyone, to spend as you want, to find the healing of diseases, to get the meat of limb and life, to be signed to work that will lead to very good positions, the help will not extend the hands of the desired people.


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