In the dream, it is subjected to the sweetness of difficult situations to wear gold accessories items, to take some steps in the way of marriage with a noy and good hearty person, to fall down to the narrowness and absence, to a new external appearance, a better marriage is carried out and a happier life will be maintained, the discussions between brothers will be finished by family elders.
In addition, wearing gold accessories items in the dream will be entered into a work on the table head, which will see the goodness and beauty corresponding to it, will be damaged from the person who is close to work, to the future of desires, to obtain a regular income, by making it interpreted, for the events experienced, to break people.
In order to wear gold accessories items in the dream as psychologically, with the person who has been together for a long time, it will end up a period of dealing with health problems, thanks to this job, it will meet people who open new and charitable doors to him, to be a person who has respected everyone in the business life, to have a great comfort and peace with the end of an exhaustive period, not to help people around them in any way, and this situation will have to stretch chest alone, but again, with the old candles, the future will be marked.