The duo of Pisces and Cancer, both members of the water group, will live together at the peak of romance. Since they are both highly emotional and sentimental people, there may be unnecessary emotionality and resentment in the relationship from time to time. However, since the pisces is more sensitive than the cancer, it should be careful about the words of the cancer. Pisces, on the other hand, is the best friend of many people who volunteer to be a shoulder for everyone to cry on. Although the other party occasionally shifts their minds when describing their problems and troubles, it is in their nature to do so. The fact that they can be open, sympathetic and sensitive to everyone is their secret. If they manage to have a good time together, romantic moments will be waiting for them. This relationship gets 8 out of 10.
In the relationship between Cancer and Pisces, since they are both water groups, they will be a similar pair of character structures. Since both sides are quite emotional, we can say that there will be a full romantic relationship to this relationship. But both sides can be over-sensitive from time to time. In this case, it will fall to one of the two sides to make amends between them.
The Cancer and Pisces duo, which we give an 80% chance of success in love life, are not very good at friendship. Someone needs to be more active. Because they are both a little too domesticated, they may get bored of each other from time to time. The marriage life of these two would also be nice. Both are loyal and trustworthy people who are connected to their home and family. Cancer may make more sense than Pisces, which is extremely sensitive and emotional. Emotions will definitely govern this relationship. They may break each other from time to time due to too much emotionality, but they need to be careful. The combination of cancer and pisces still looks positive.