Oct 23 - Nov 21
Aug 23 - Sep 22

Scorpio and Virgo Compatibility

Love and Relations

This couple starts off as friends and moves into a deep, passionate relationship.

There is an incredible attraction in the relationship between Scorpio and Virgo, and this electricity does not go unnoticed by either of them. Virgo, who can be considered a workaholic, although not as much as Capricorns, may hate Scorpio when they first see it, but this hatred is an indication that they will fall in love with it. At that moment, the ears should either run away from there or stay and have an unforgettable relationship with the scorpion. However, scorpio people should not forget that they leave unforgettable traces in the lives they enter. A scorpion will never forgive the wrong done to it, so if you're unsure of your feelings, don't make the mistake of upsetting the sign of the scorpion. If the scorpion is upset, he/she knows how to be upset and does not hesitate to stick his/her needle. However, the fact that the spike is hardworking and its feet are firmly on the ground will be enough to affect the scorpion. The relationship between a well-groomed and remarkable spike and a passionate scorpion is highly rated by us!

Virgo was born between August 24 and September 23. In other words, they coincide with the first days of autumn in summer. Scorpio signs were born between October 23 and November 24. They represent the last days of spring and the first days of winter. Both are happy people and manage to enjoy life. However, the scorpion can eat itself up from time to time because it cannot pour out. At this point, Virgo needs to gain the trust of Scorpio. Scorpio wants his lover to be his confidant at the same time.

So you must be his friend as well as his lover. You can meet these expectations, Scorpio can make you very happy. Virgo, above all, attaches great importance to life and living. For this reason, he does not like to poison himself with little troubles. These attitudes of the scorpio, who becomes paranoid from time to time, may seem meaningless to him, he may get scared and run away. Scorpio, which we know as jealous, needs to rasp his feelings such as jealousy in this relationship. Because Virgo are people who have their feet on the ground and can already protect themselves. We think that they will oppose their feelings of jealousy, in which case the scorpion now needs to learn to trust the other person.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Scorpio Weekly Horoscope Scorpio Monthly Horoscope
Scorpio Personality