Seeing a bridal handkerchief in a dream indicates that a boundary will be drawn between people who cause problems, it will encourage them, tears will be shed and they will not be able to smile for a long time, their peace and joy will be disturbed and they will be hit by people, financial difficulties will end, they will be unable to provide for their family, their rightness will be understood.
Also seeing a bridal handkerchief in a dream indicates that they will own very large property and assets, they will not be able to do anything, their hopes will be renewed, they will not have any important problems that they will need to worry about and a debt that is too big to handle, they will stand tall without ever compromising their principles and the mistakes made will be compensated in a short time.
Psychologically seeing a bridal handkerchief in a dream indicates that the peace in the household will be disturbed, they will not be able to cope with the problems and troubles they will face. It is interpreted that the person will be shaken, the situations that disturb his peace will disappear, he will be upset because of the negative behaviors he sees especially from his close circle, things will always go well and he will be happy, his wealth will prevail, peace and happiness will prevail in his household.