Dream Interpretation

Seeing a bruise under the eye in a dream

Seeing a bruise under the eye in a dream indicates that you will be worn out spiritually due to long-term illnesses, mistakes made will be compensated in a short time, a long-term work will be interrupted, you will find love and live a very happy and peaceful life, your time will be wasted, thus both your property and money will increase exponentially, without getting stuck.

In addition, seeing a bruise under the eye in a dream indicates that you will get rid of your pain and ache, this news will be a great support for the person who is almost destroyed, your peace will be disturbed, the money earned will increase, your financial troubles will end and your bad days will be forgotten, very close friendships will be established thanks to the good deeds done.

Psychological interpretation of seeing a bruise under the eye in a dream

Psychologically seeing a bruise under the eye in a dream indicates that things will be disrupted, you will make various investments and own property, you will regain your health, your family It indicates that the person will go through a period of unrest due to arguments between individuals, that he/she will easily meet his/her needs and will have more financial opportunities, that he/she will become a graduate, that very good steps will be taken regarding family life and very auspicious gains will be obtained, that he/she will count the days.


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The best way to predict your future is to create it.
Peter Drucker

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