Seeing a fish while swimming in a pool in a dream indicates that you will get out of a job that may cause harm by making a little profit, you will be very successful and earn a large amount of money, you will lose your respect among people, surprise events will occur, your financial opportunities will increase, you will ask for help from your loved ones to get rid of your problems but you will not be able to get any help from anyone, there is a small tube on the ground at that time.
Also, seeing a fish while swimming in a pool in a dream indicates that you will help people in need, you will be at the forefront of names that will take part in big and serious businesses, a partnership established with someone experienced in business will bring things to very good places, you will get rid of your bad situations and move on to good and beautiful situations, you will experience hopelessness, you will show people who disturb your relationship with your loved ones their place and gradually eliminate the troubles you experience.
Psychological interpretation of seeing a fish while swimming in a pool in a dream Seeing a fish while swimming means that you will suffer a great loss after a trouble you have overcome, that you will be promoted to a position that will provide you with high earnings and authority in business with the work you have done, that you will be cured from a shame or illness, that clean and beautiful doors that will bring you good will open in front of you, that you will return to the right path, that you will soon realize the things you have wanted to do for a long time and worked hard day and night for this purpose.