Dream Interpretation

Seeing a flag on a flagpole in a dream

Seeing a flag on a flagpole in a dream indicates sitting with enemies, warning the people around him for their wrong actions and doing them good, making a great loss in a period when he enters into a very good job for himself and some discussions will occur in the near future, the person he trusts, which direction he will go, being appointed to an official duty and rising to higher positions, good and profitable works will be carried out.

Also seeing a flag on a flagpole in a dream indicates that he will draw attention with his personality, buying a house where he can live with his family, getting rid of troubles, being promoted to a higher position thanks to the works he will carry out in his business life and the projects he will put forward in the near future, his position will be damaged due to the decrease in his successes, a step will be taken that will be very pleasing to his parents.

Psychological interpretation of seeing a flag on a flagpole in a dream

Psychologically seeing a flag on a flagpole in a dream indicates staying in mischief, good business life It is interpreted that the course of events will be reflected in the family life, the problems will be solved, if he is doing business he will suffer a loss, the sad and troubled period he is living will end, very big steps will be taken materially and spiritually, he will live a problematic life and suffer a loss.


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The best way to predict your future is to create it.
Peter Drucker

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