Seeing a mouse and cheese in a dream indicates that the support of one of the elders of the family will be received, a good result will be reached on a subject that he has been experiencing a lot of problems for a long time, he will make very big gains and his financial difficulties will come to an end, there will be a big argument between the parents, he will do everything he can to keep their memories alive and show them that he loves them very much in this way, he will have a successful business life, very beautiful and happy days will be seen soon.
Also, if seeing a mouse and cheese in a dream is healthy, it means that his life will always be healthy, in addition to this, he will tend to do something to animate his life and enjoy the beauties of life a little, he will make big gains and spend them for people in need, sleepless nights will end, big gains and fortunes will be obtained, he will have to enter a job that will cause him loss.