Seeing a mouse in a dream, seeing two, indicates that you will spend time in shopping malls, be very happy with your loved ones, gain good and very large amounts of income in your business life, develop your missing aspects, gain great self-confidence, have an easy life, your troubles and problems will end as soon as possible.
Also seeing a mouse in a dream, seeing two, indicates that you will come out of the projects you enter with a loss and if you do not devote yourself to your job, you will come to the brink of bankruptcy in the near future, you will enter very nice and auspicious jobs, you will fall into very troublesome situations and situations in the near future, things will progress very well, a job that will be problematic financially will be done and will be seen as full of calamity, your deteriorated health will improve.
Psychologically seeing a mouse in a dream, seeing two, indicates that you will make peace with a person you are offended with and a person you are upset with. It is interpreted that the incident will be corrected, the person's skills will be recognized, thus he will be promoted at his job, the darkness will end, the taste of his mouth will always remain the same, for those in his education life, he will study in the best schools, he will receive news that will make him smile, and he will receive news that will make him breathe a sigh of relief amidst all the troubles.