Seeing a mouse in a dream means seeing that you will not be able to handle the situation at first, you will say hello to a very comfortable life and you will become a rich person with the opportunities you have, the bad situations you encounter will end soon, the reputation will come true for the dreamer, a greater profit than expected will be obtained in a business established with one of your friends, you will be comfortable both materially and spiritually.
In addition, seeing a mouse in a dream means seeing that you will start to neglect your responsibilities and attract attention, troubles will end with the permission of God, you will earn many blessings by having a charity such as a fountain or a school built, you will come across the fortunes you need to smile, you will not have trouble finding a job after graduation, if you already have property, it will increase even more and your business will go well.
Psychologically seeing a mouse in a dream means Seeing a mouse means that your earnings will come true, you will be profitable by acting sensibly against problems, you will earn money, you will reach big and guaranteed income channels, you will take very profitable steps and earn big money, your physical and mental health will be in place, you will re-examine your life from beginning to end and organize it.