Seeing a pool bath in a dream indicates that doubts and troubles will always remain inside, with luck, you will enjoy being successful in every job, problems will be solved more easily, financial problems that have been going on for a long time will end, you will get rid of a disturbing situation and carry out some works that will bring you to very good places, if your financial situation is bad, you will become rich, the strength in the family ties of those who have children will be applauded by everyone.
Also seeing a pool bath in a dream indicates that the situations that bother your heart will disappear, you will enter a project full of colorful people with the support of a distant relative and you will become a person who is loved sincerely, and the dreamer, who will lead many people throughout his life, will experience some unpleasant events to protect his loved ones against some gossip about him, a project that will last for a short time will gradually extend due to some setbacks, the obstacles in his life will be removed, is interpreted.
Psychologically, seeing a pool and a bath in a dream indicates that the reputation will be shaken, that the person will be away from worries and troubles, that the business will be more successful every passing day, that the person will attract everyone's attention, that the person will almost come to the brink of bankruptcy in business life, but despite this situation, the person will provide great help to someone they love and value very much, that the person will get what they want, that their authority will not be over, that the person will make very good and big profits.