Seeing a pregnant mother in a dream indicates that even if the morale is low, misfortune and bad luck will be left behind, there will be beautiful and successful days ahead, it will cause the people you love to be sad, you will make a great effort to overcome these and you will be busy with this issue for a while, the spouses will speak harshly to each other, you will take charge of your job.
Also, seeing a pregnant mother in a dream indicates that your luck will be good, you will be the subject of a very big gossip, you will be much more loved among your friends and neighbors, you will reach luxury and comfort, you will enter a period of time where you can gather strength after a long and tiring period, you will immediately overcome the financial difficulties you will experience.
Psychologically seeing a pregnant mother in a dream indicates that you will be brought to a very high position at work thanks to your talents and skills, your fears and problems will end, none of the family members will be important. It indicates that they will not have any health problems, their income will increase, they will use the experience they have gained to do better things in the future, they will achieve great success in every job they enter and will be talked about frequently, great opportunities will suddenly be obtained and they will have a child.