Seeing a ready grave in a dream indicates that you will help people in need with some of the income you earn, your problems will decrease day by day, you will get yourself together soon and get married with a good fortune and you will have the car you have wanted for a long time, you will have a big argument with the person or people who have gone through very bad days and spread gossip, your worries will end, you will reconcile people who have experienced great resentment and bring everyone together.
Also, seeing a ready grave in a dream indicates that you will have great wealth, good luck will never be missing from your household, you will suffer a great betrayal, you will fall into trouble, your sorrows will end, the dissatisfaction will continue for a while and there will be problems in communication during this process.
Psychological interpretation of seeing a ready grave in a dream It indicates that bad news will be received regarding education, it will make him/her unhappy, he/she will easily get what he/she wants, he/she will be very lucky in both his/her job and family, he/she will live a very different life, he/she will not be able to pull himself/herself together, good news will be received, all meetings will be cut off after an argument with a calm, loved and trusted person.