Seeing a ruined school in a dream indicates that you will find healing and morale, you will be the subject of a huge gossip, you will be the most popular employee or officer at work, you will be profitable by acting sensibly in the face of problems, your financial opportunities will increase much more than you expect, you will have fun, you will feel great hopelessness.
In addition, seeing a ruined school in a dream indicates that you will get rid of the problems and situations that are challenging you in a short time without experiencing any problems, you will make that person a passion and obsession for you, your work and life will get on track, you will hug a friendly hand that will reach out to you on a difficult day, you will gain great wealth after a sad and problematic period, and therefore your opportunities will increase.
Psychologically seeing a ruined school in a dream indicates that your spirituality will also be enriched, you will find information that will end the bad situation you are in or a direct solution. It indicates that you will be able to reach your goal, that at the end of this period that you have overcome with patience, you will experience peaceful days in your family again, that you will focus more on your human duties, that you will take advantage of an opportunity related to education, that you will make a great breakthrough thanks to the support of some of your friends or relatives, that you will struggle with difficulties, and that you will go to an entertainment party with your family members and relatives.