Seeing a two-storey building in a dream indicates that social relations will be worn out more in this process, becoming a professor at a university, earning a large amount of money, being relieved by the person reaching out and supporting, coming to very good places and having a large amount of money and property, having an uninterrupted sustenance and earnings, experiencing heartbreak due to an unpleasant event to be experienced.
Also seeing a two-storey building in a dream indicates falling into very troubled situations, thus getting rid of his problems and troubles, an unfortunate situation to be experienced will grow even bigger, ending the work despite all his problems, experiencing a very big shock, very happy events will occur thanks to the opportunities obtained.
Psychologically seeing a two-storey building in a dream indicates that new jobs will be pursued with this person, becoming a tradesman and doing jobs that will be more professional, It indicates that the person will have a peaceful and happy life, will have a large amount of property, will obtain illicit property and money, for some reason his dreams will become darker and gloomier day by day, thanks to the prayers of his parents, he will be united in life with a loved one, and his troubles will be overcome.