A wound on your wife's face in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Seeing a wound on your wife's face in a dream indicates that a person who loves him/her very much will make a big surprise in the near future thanks to the opportunities he/she has, that he/she will live in unity and togetherness in family life, that he/she will realize his/her dreams and his/her life will get better thanks to these successes he/she has gained, that he/she will go through difficult times because of a mistake he/she made, and the strangest thing is that while eating raw meat, his/her mouth and nose were like a horse's mouth and nose but it was normal before, that he/she will have a very rich faith power spiritually and religiously, that troubles will increase.

Also seeing a wound on your wife's face in a dream indicates that he/she will gain power that will not be competed with in material terms and that cannot be measured, that he/she will raise his/her voice against some people, that his/her business will get better, that he/she will encounter a problematic situation, that he/she will become a well-equipped and modern person, that a great voice will be made thanks to the steps to be taken.

Dream Dictionary : A wound on your wife's face in a dream

Psychological interpretation of seeing a wound on your wife's face in a dream

Psychologically seeing a wound on your wife's face in a dream Seeing it indicates that very big and successful works will be put forward, that he will start various preparations for better works with some works he will do, that he will enter a path that will bring goodness, that he will encounter good innovations and changes, but later on, his pride will not accept this situation and he will go and try to defraud someone else, that his world and the hereafter will be beautiful, that his life will have an established order thanks to being in a plan and program, that he will take a step towards a work that will produce good results.

Dream Interpretation : A wound on your wife's face in a dream

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Eckhart Tolle