A wound under the eye in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Seeing a wound under the eye in a dream indicates that a disturbing situation will be overcome, a career will be made in education, the person will keep the people who want to harm him away from him by taking the necessary precautions, a disturbing situation will come to a very happy conclusion thanks to the prayers made and the blessings received, it will not leave it until death, abundance and prosperity will prevail in the dreamer's house and business, he will experience great sadness but will recover later and enter into very big and profitable businesses.

Also, seeing a wound under the eye in a dream indicates that inner peace will be in place, a very good position will be reached thanks to the risks taken in business life, he will learn about the existence of hypocritical people who were in front of his eyes but he had not seen until today, his tomorrows will not be as bad as his yesterdays, he will be in front of everyone, especially some works and conspiracies will be entered into in order to deprive the person of his inheritance.

Dream Dictionary : A wound under the eye in a dream

Psychologically, seeing a wound under the eye in a dream interpretation

Psychologically, seeing a wound under the eye in a dream means that all desired goals will be realized, the days spent with poverty and financial difficulties will completely end, a person who causes trouble will be removed from the household, the person will not have financial difficulties, the person will combine the opportunities he has with his talents and will sign very good works, the problems will be resolved definitively in the near future, there will be peace and happiness in the family for a lifetime.

Dream Interpretation : A wound under the eye in a dream

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