Seeing a red dragon in a dream indicates that the number of companies will increase, that one will have to deal with unrest and that one will have troubled days because of bad people who intervene while things are going well, that one will secure one's position, that one's bad mood for a long time will improve, that a journey to be undertaken will end with a very unpleasant incident, that one will become a loved and respected person in social life, and that one will get rid of one's troubles.
Also, seeing a red dragon in a dream indicates that one will find oneself in a great impasse and will feel as if these days will never pass and that one's life will come to an end, but one will not give up, that one's debts will increase as one cannot pay the debts one has taken to compensate for the damage one has suffered, that one will have a child, that one's pleasure and peace will be in place, that one will eat halal bread.
Seeing a blue dragon in a dream indicates that you will get rid of your problems, days before this dream, you will make progress towards becoming a better Muslim, you will disrupt your family and business life for some reason, you will become dynamic and cheerful, your work will bring abundance and you will be respected by your elders and peers thanks to being a polite person.
Also, seeing a blue dragon in a dream indicates that you will make decisions that will not bring you good, you will get the reward of your labor and what you deserve, especially the person who quarrels with his family will not be able to fix the relationship between him and his relatives, it will help him to collect his mind and thus he will be able to make much healthier decisions about his life, you will fall behind many competitors in terms of money, you will be bored.
Seeing a small dragon in a dream indicates that you will suffer a great defeat, enter new paths and be happy, act much more motivated than before, obstacles on the road to success will be eliminated, you will still have some things you want in life, very great successes and gains will be achieved, solidarity and order will increase.
Also, seeing a small dragon in a dream is interpreted as sin, spending more and quality time with your family, getting answers to your prayers, not wanting to remain a person who stands still, staying away from torture and mistreatment, reaching days full of comfort and light.
Seeing a black dragon in a dream indicates that you will gain great self-confidence because you will do the job you know and love, you will have a great friend in return for the good deeds you do, the laborious jobs will increase, bad luck will be broken, your mother and father will always be at your side, you will not get any good from your prayers, you will have a happy home with your loved one.
Also, seeing a black dragon in a dream indicates that arguments will arise and sad times will be spent, just wanting or thinking will not be enough, but taking more determined and more patient steps and recovering the lost jobs with a very big and new understanding, a job application will not be accepted and the work put forward will not be taken into consideration, your prayers will be accepted, you will receive a good promotion.
Seeing a winged dragon in a dream indicates that the dreamer will be a part of this situation, will find solutions to his problems, his joy and pleasure will remain in place, the sad situation he created will disappear, he will see that he has many points in common with him, he will act knowing the value of what he has, thus, he will not be sad.
Also, seeing a winged dragon in a dream indicates that he will earn money to establish a business that he dreams of and has worked hard to achieve, self-confidence will be regained thanks to a relief to be experienced financially, very good places will be reached in business life thanks to a partnership to be established, the heaviest debts will be paid easily, there will be no more problems, a very good and profitable position will be obtained in the job done.
Seeing a Komodo dragon in a dream indicates that plans will be turned upside down and a very difficult period will be experienced, positive results will be obtained from all the steps to be taken, not only his position but also his earnings will increase, he will have difficulties for a while, new and much bigger dreams will be realized day by day, the desired successes will be achieved in business, he will sometimes say words that will hurt the people he loves in this chaos due to his excessive nervousness.
Also, seeing a Komodo dragon in a dream indicates that he will gain superiority and become a well-known person in business life, he will overcome his competitors and enemies and will be remembered with his work, he will be close to accidents and evil, his business will improve as a result of a work he does, he will experience auspicious and beautiful events, his troubled and difficult days will end.
Seeing a purple dragon in a dream indicates that you will forget your resentments and continue on your way, stand behind your own decisions, and be happy throughout your life, your sadness will pass in the shortest time, you will experience great happiness in your family life, you will not suffer from sorrow and grief, your name will be tarnished because of the people around you.
Also seeing a purple dragon in a dream indicates that you will lose a lot of time and suffer a lot by dealing with misfortunes for a very long time, your vineyard and garden will increase, you will be sad and unhappy for a period of time for some reason, very auspicious and beautiful developments will occur, your hopes will end, your business will open up and thus abundance and prosperity will come to your life.
Seeing a komodo dragon bite in a dream indicates that thanks to the business partnership established with loved ones, a very good point will be reached in the business world, a great cooperation will be made between family members and the debts taken will be paid off in a short time, very big breakthroughs will be made, you will be more careful about many issues, you will get rid of the bad events that happen to you in a short time, you will later enter into a cooperation with a person who has gained great experience in business for many years, you will get sick because of not resting and putting nutrition into the background.
Also, seeing a komodo dragon bite in a dream indicates that some small problems will arise, you will not fall into hopelessness and pessimism, you will be competent in your job, It is interpreted that thanks to the performance to be shown and the successful work to be put forward, very good places will be achieved, life will pass with setbacks and, so to speak, will not be able to break the devil's leg, and will have a large property.
Seeing a dragon in the sky in a dream indicates that you will not be able to control yourself and obey the devil, you will play to the top in your work, you will decide to live a disciplined life, you will go through difficult times and troubled days, the person will be among important people whose names are known abroad, you will gain great wealth in terms of materiality, and peace.
Seeing a dragon in the sky in a dream also indicates that the moon will rise in the house, you will work wholeheartedly to solve your problems, your sadness will end, you will be granted more in terms of sustenance and earnings thanks to them and you will have all the conditions necessary for an easy life, you will be happy with your children, and with God's permission, you will reach the point you want.