Being on duty in a dream indicates that the people in prison will be released soon, their hopes will not be in vain, they will be a loved and trusted person in business life, their communication with people will be strong, they will get promoted as a result of the evaluation of their work and performance, they will come to their aid and support them when they are in trouble in business life or family life, they will make the right attempts to gain financial power.
In addition, being on duty in a dream indicates that some unwanted events will occur spiritually and financially, they will feel like they are reborn and will experience great happiness and joy, they will continue to work in a planned way by starting an additional job in order to reach their dreams, they will see abundance and prosperity, they will help people in every way, they will establish some partnerships and enter various jobs that will take them to very high levels.
Seeing yourself shot while on duty in a dream indicates that they will not hesitate to support and help you, you will achieve great success in your job, you will be very successful in all the jobs you enter and save yourself from your troubles and problems, you will be a loyal person, injustice will be done to the person and you will encounter great problems in sharing your property, you will receive a high diploma, you will achieve great success by using the opportunities you have very well.
Also, seeing yourself shot while on duty in a dream indicates that it will not help and the problems will come one after another, you will be promoted to a high position in a short time and you will encounter an event that will make you very happy, you will lose weight, you will relieve your fatigue in business life thanks to this and you will feel more comfortable, your earnings will increase at an unexpected rate, you will marry and have a baby very soon with the good fortune you have been with for a long time.
Seeing your old place of duty in a dream indicates that you will gain comfort and happiness, establish a business partnership and enter into very good works, set off with a person who will cause harm, your work will progress without problems, thus abundance and prosperity will prevail in your workplace and home, after having the necessary things for a peaceful life, you will try to find a suitable fortune, your prayers and wishes will be answered.
Also, seeing your old place of duty in a dream indicates that you will gain self-confidence, you will not encounter major problems related to your life, you will live a life without financial difficulties but not too rich, you will remove people who are jealous of you from your life, your life will become a bed of roses, so to speak, you will be happier than you have ever lived with your loved ones.
Being dismissed from duty in a dream indicates that great works will be undertaken in the business world, the obstacles in his profession will be eliminated, his education will be good, he will earn his bread, he will live in comfort, his opportunities will increase and his life will become perfect and develop.
In addition, being dismissed from duty in a dream indicates that he will come together with his loved ones, making a partnership with a bad and malicious person, he will taste new flavors, he will earn much more with every step he takes, his goods and money will increase, he will not commit theft and corruption.
Looking for a pharmacy on duty in a dream indicates that the person will suffer great harm because he is an indifferent person, that he needs to get help from someone experienced in business to get rid of this situation, otherwise he will encounter worse situations, that he will help him get rid of his troubles, that his rivals will tell various lies here and there, that his feelings will be mutual, that he will not fall into trouble, that a good income will be obtained in material terms.
Also, looking for a pharmacy on duty in a dream indicates that he will be blessed with much more than worldly blessings, that the dreamer's self-confidence will increase, that he will catch important and great opportunities that he has been waiting for to realize his dreams, that the issues he has lost hope for will show progress and improvement, that he will act planned and programmed, that his destiny will be beautiful and auspicious.