Seeing an old stone in a dream indicates that some people will scold you for some reason, the person will experience ease and happiness in his life, he will have a falling out with his loved ones, his life will pass with adversities and, so to speak, he will not be able to break the devil's leg, he will be in pleasure and joy, he will have to struggle with very big troubles, he will make a lot of noise with his works.
Also, seeing an old stone in a dream indicates that great wealth will be acquired, light and comfort will come and he will always think good, he will have the opportunity to give a new direction to his life, he will change his life completely in a positive way, a great profit will be obtained after the competition and other people who may enter into competition will be intimidated, he will face troubles and problems and thus he will achieve victory in his work.
Seeing an old tombstone in a dream indicates that you will be comfortable financially, things will go well, things you have been dreaming of for a long time will be achieved, you will have a very large amount of income and be comfortable, you will fall into the trouble and rush of making ends meet, you will get together with them and be dismissed from a place where you work in a very good position.
Also, seeing an old tombstone in a dream indicates that if the situation experienced is a disease, you will do everything necessary and even donate an organ, the dreamer will be a part of this situation and share people's happiness, the goods in your hand will be lost, you will deviate into shameful ways, you will look for new ways to continue your life, you will gain more than expected profit in a business established with one of your friends.
Seeing an old stone wall in a dream indicates that the bond between family members will strengthen day by day, the person will be confused and have difficulty in making decisions, the person will achieve their dreams and goals, even if they do not earn much at first, the person will marry someone younger than them, there will be no trace of their troubles and problems, there will be financial relief.
Also, seeing an old stone wall in a dream indicates that financial difficulties will occur, it is easier, their work will be as they want, their work will come to a good conclusion, they will lose their money and property, they will become stronger in every sense.
Seeing an old stone house in a dream indicates that the person will receive great help that will eliminate all the damage he has suffered, that he will have a lot of conversation, that the good days he thought would never come will come, that his path to victory will be paved for him from now on, that he will start working to realize some things he has wanted for a long time, that he will be in good health and joy, that he will be filled with malicious and evil-eyed people.
Also, seeing an old stone house in a dream indicates that the damages will be compensated, that he will instill knowledge and wisdom in people, that he will be very peaceful and happy spiritually, that he will move away from and leave a woman with bad habits, that he will continue to take the same path and harm people and himself, that peace and calm will come to his life.
Seeing an old stone building in a dream indicates that the person will develop methods to stay away from people or events that harm him, will have to struggle with many misfortunes, an irreversible mistake will be made, positive results will be obtained from all the steps to be taken, a lot of losses will be given regarding work, the absence he suffers will cause him to have more property.
Also, seeing an old stone building in a dream indicates damage to his property, when he feels sad and bored, he will think of other people on the right path, he will get very auspicious opportunities, he will get angry with himself, I look in the mirror, he will be in peace and love.