To see ants raiding a house in a dream indicates that you will now be completely hopeless, your burden will be lightened, people who are in a difficult situation or in need of help will be reached, you will be very comfortable financially, the person will not experience a lack of love and your relationship will continue peacefully, new jobs will come, plans will be made.
Also, to see ants raiding a house in a dream indicates that you will spend more time with your loved ones, you will encounter a very auspicious fate and be very happy and you will get married very soon, you will experience a pause, you will be cornered, if you are single, you will establish closeness with a woman, a happy home will be established with a auspicious fate.
Seeing the police raiding the house in a dream indicates that the person will have a very good career, this will bring him great happiness and courage, he will not fall into dead ends regarding his health, he will have very big arguments with his loved ones, he will gain luck and fortune, he will decide to open up, the person will do things that will bring him good and luck.
Also, seeing the police raiding the house in a dream indicates that nothing will remain in his eyes and inside, his troubles will end soon, he will give his neighbor his property and money to compensate for his deficiency, his business will progress without problems, he will buy a house where he can live with his family, large amounts of money will be earned and a new job will be started in a new city or country.
Raiding a house by gendarmerie in a dream indicates that it will be relieved a little, a period of dealing with health problems will be experienced, the problems will be eliminated thanks to this, since it is not a big problem, it is necessary not to upset loved ones and the disease will not recur thanks to paying attention to nutrition, it will gain great success, it will not give up its faith and worship, it will be purified from negative feelings and thoughts.
Also, raiding a house by gendarmerie in a dream indicates that it will be separated from loved ones, it will gain pleasure and wealth, its income and sustenance will decrease due to the deterioration of its business, it will pass its behaviors through a logical filter, what it wishes will come true, things will enter a very big impasse.
To see armed men raiding a house in a dream indicates that you will leave your old life behind, make mistakes one after another and attract all the lightning, you will be in great peace and joy, you will return defeated from a path that you will set out on, good and lawful earnings will be obtained thanks to the steps taken, your mood will be spoiled, your efforts will not be a cure for you.
Also to see armed men raiding a house in a dream indicates that you will make short-term preparations for starting a new job and enter a work that will make you very happy, you will remain where you are because you cannot take a step and show the necessary courage while you have the right to have a better life, you will have very bad days for a reason, you will come to a better and more beautiful position in time, it will cause your smiling face to fade and the light in your eyes to fade, it is interpreted that lawful earnings will be obtained.