Seeing yourself receiving a letter in a dream indicates that you will suffer great material and spiritual losses, a gift of high spiritual value will be received for your parents, you may go through great and problematic periods but still stand up and resist and achieve great successes, you will get rid of these situations thanks to your skills and experiences, your resentments and troubles will end, you will do some things that will keep your good and good deed book open for you to be comfortable in the afterlife and you will be prayed for in a good and beautiful way, you will encounter good events.
Also seeing yourself receiving a letter in a dream indicates that the person will fall into situations that you do not deserve, so to speak, your head will bow, the person will be too busy to spare time for your private life for a while, you will get rid of all your problems soon, the doors that bring you sustenance and income will never close, your joy will return and your smile will never disappear from your face.
Receiving a letter from a man in a dream indicates that religious research and readings will strengthen the person's faith, anger and resentment will end and a longed-for person will be reunited, the trouble of making a living will end, people will have a good position, the level of welfare will gradually decrease, if you are sick, you will soon find healing, you will get rid of your troubles and problems and find comfort.
Also, receiving a letter from a man in a dream indicates that you will be faced with a job that you are afraid of staying up and sleepless, and you will reverse the treatment decision to be given regarding a harmful habit, the problems that bother your mind will end and thanks to this, you will adapt to business and education life more easily, the works that the whole country will talk about will be carried out, you will leave your father's house and establish a new house, your business will be better than before.
Receiving and reading a letter in a dream indicates that a plan that will bring a big profit in a short time will be followed and experience will be gained, various situations that cause concern will be experienced, it will be refreshed, a loved one will be betrayed, after returning from a journey, big and very profitable works will be carried out, healing will never be lacking from his soul and body throughout his life, but he should be very careful against an event that he never expected.
Also, receiving and reading a letter in a dream indicates that his problems and troubles will reappear, if it is not a good thing, he will suffer, in fact, some ideas will be received on how to do or act, things will calm down and problems will be overcome thanks to this, he will defeat this person when he will fall into a very difficult situation for some reason.
Receiving a letter from your spouse in a dream indicates that you will get rid of your problems in a short time without any trouble, you will find goodness in your children and the people around you, and thus you will eliminate your troubles, why are you surprised, he tells me. It is interpreted that, "I am very sorry, how can he do this?", "He will live with the danger of almost going bankrupt for a long time in his business life, he will achieve his goals and objectives, he will remain in deep conversation."
In addition, receiving a letter from his wife in a dream indicates that human relations will become better, he will make friends with a person who will wear him out very much in material and spiritual terms, but he will end his friendships after realizing the situation, the income will not be enough, a life will be lived in abundance and prosperity, he will have to get rid of his beloved belongings, he will be very sad at first and will have many deficiencies.
To see receiving a letter from your son in a dream indicates that you will feel good and achieve peace of mind, you will say big words that will hurt or even lose those around you, problems will be solved soon, you will get out of a difficult situation very easily, you will be comfortable and happy, your wishes and desires will come true, you will meet very good people and become someone who will make a big noise.
Also, to see receiving a letter from your son in a dream indicates that you will always try to be worthy of them, you will blame yourself even though you can't do anything, if you are a civil servant, you will be promoted or assigned, you will see the reward of the hardships you have suffered before soon, you will add spiritual wealth to your wealth, you will have a fixed income.