An elephant urinating in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Seeing an elephant urinating in a dream indicates that an expert will be consulted, that good intentions will not be rewarded, that after trying, his enthusiasm will not be left in the lurch in any matter, that he will be a respected person, that he will fall into a very difficult situation for some reason, that a famine will arise in his household, that he will see very good days during big works and that he will be more careful for the situations that may come up from now on.

Also, seeing an elephant urinating in a dream indicates that his loved ones will turn their backs on him, that he will be recognized more with every work he does, that he will go through a bad and problematic period, that he will get rid of the troubles he has been experiencing for a long time and the problems he has with people and that he will enter a period in his life where he is very comfortable, that the negative situations will be corrected, that peace and abundance will not be missing from his home.

Dream Dictionary : An elephant urinating in a dream

Psychological interpretation of seeing an elephant urinating in a dream

Psychologically seeing an elephant urinating in a dream indicates that he will not know what financial troubles are throughout his life, that he will be beautiful and It indicates that you will start to live auspicious days, you will see very peaceful and beautiful days, you will overcome resentments and grudges, your luck will open up, you will go through difficult times for a reason, you will breathe easy, you will stay away from people who bore and upset you.

Dream Interpretation : An elephant urinating in a dream

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