Seeing an undershirt in a dream indicates that your business will open up in a short time, you will reach the point you deserve in return for your efforts, you will be pointed out as an ideal parent if you have children, you will be more comfortable than ever in a short time, you will act as you want, you will encounter events that create many problems, if you are single, you will meet someone who will steal your heart.
Also, seeing an undershirt in a dream indicates that even if it appears, you will feel very bad, you will fall behind in your social life and live a lonely life, you will realize that especially a woman in your relatives is doing things that will overshadow your happiness, you will take an important step in buying a house in a short time, ugly words will be heard, very big arguments and even fights will occur between family members.
Psychologically seeing an undershirt in a dream indicates that you will get rid of your problems and troubles thanks to this, and unpleasant conversations arising from financial issues in the family and there will be discussions, so to speak, if you are going to drown, you will act with the logic of "you will drown in a big sea" and with God's permission and help, you will achieve your goal and get what you want, you will establish an established order in a short time, you will live a healthy and comfortable life, especially by increasing the purchasing power by earning more, a great success will be achieved in the end, your earnings will increase and you will be peaceful.