Dream Interpretation

Seeing an arrow stuck in your stomach in a dream

Seeing an arrow stuck in your stomach in a dream indicates that abundance and prosperity will come to your household, the things stuck in your mind will be a means for your hands to become abundant, the mistakes made will be compensated for in a short time, you will find yourself in very difficult times due to some of the lives you have made, you will have legitimate sustenance, it is interpreted from grief.

Also, seeing an arrow stuck in your stomach in a dream indicates that the money obtained will be directed to savings for your children to establish their own lives in the future, problems and troubles will be solved, you will reach your goals and objectives, if you are unemployed, you will find a job, your hopes will be destroyed, the person will have real friends.

Psychological interpretation of seeing an arrow stuck in your stomach in a dream

Psychologically, seeing an arrow stuck in your stomach in a dream indicates that you will get rid of the feeling of hatred from your life, good doors will be opened, but these situations will be overcome in a short time, you will experience great happiness. It is interpreted that the person will enter a period and encounter a good fortune, the mistakes made will be quickly compensated, the person will unite his life with the person he loves, and the person will make a breakthrough.


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The best way to predict your future is to create it.
Peter Drucker

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