Dreaming of being dragged in a flood indicates that joyful and beautiful events will occur, that in a short time his work will progress very comfortably and he will enter a period in which he will have good days, that he will stay away from people who bother and upset him, that he will reach the income he needs, that each day will be better than the previous one, that he will get married in a short time, that he will have pleasant conversations.
Also, being dragged in a flood in a dream indicates that he will become rich, that difficult days will be left behind, that resentments will end, that he will have a comfortable life, that he will do good deeds full of good deeds to poor people, that he will get rid of all the troubles he has experienced.
Psychologically being dragged in a flood in a dream indicates that he will meet a person who has been longed for for a long time, that his work will always go well, that he will be a pleasant and cheerful person, that he will enjoy his pleasure. and it indicates that his love for people will deepen and improve due to his good livelihood, an established partnership will be dissolved, his comfort will be restored and his life will be turned upside down, and his life will become much better with a good decision he will make.