Buying a cat in a dream indicates that your financial and monetary troubles will be solved, your problems will end thanks to the support you will receive from a close person, feelings that have not been reciprocated for a long time will be reciprocated after a beautiful event, problems in the work done will be eliminated without delay and much greater gains will be obtained by canceling some works that create great problems and focusing on others, embracing them to the fullest, making a big surprise for a person who loves you very much in the near future thanks to the opportunities you have, your productivity will increase and your successes will continue.
Also, seeing a cat in a dream indicates that your wishes and enthusiasms will come true, your heart will be relieved and your body will heal, you will apply your thoughts, live in luxury and comfort, tears will be shed and you will not be able to smile for a long time, your childhood friends will reunite.
Psychological interpretation of buying a cat in a dream Getting a cat indicates that you will never compromise your pride, you will fail in your work, you will receive very good news in your family life, your problems and troubles will end, you will have the best days of your life, you will complain to the judicial authorities about the people who gossip about you so that they receive the necessary punishment, your goals will come true, and you will enter a period full of health and peace.